Your trusted real estate and business attorney
Over 40 Years of Legal Experience
Since 1975
Dedicated Attorney
Over 40 Years of Legal Experience | Since 1975 | Dedicated Attorney
Your will becomes legal and in effect upon your death. When this happens, your family members will appreciate having dedicated attorney Richard L. Hanna Attorney at Law by their side to help them through the probate process. Contact us for a probate consultation.
Once your will is in effect, creditors can file claims against your estate. There's also the matter of ensuring your assets are divided according to your wishes. It's our job to ensure your estate taxes are paid and that your will is disbursed accurately.
Even if we did not create your loved one's will, we can help you through probate matters. Trust us as we have over 40 years of experience. We will explain the process to you and remain by your side through it all. This ensures that you get outstanding service in an overwhelming time.
Personal Service for Probate Matters
Call us today to schedule a consultation
(806) 208-4119
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